CARTEL™ is an accelerated bioinoculant formulation providing three of the most active plant growth promoting rhizobacteria that produces consistent product performance when administered at recommended rates and delivers a truly effective rate of live bacterial spores through a wide range of conventional agricultural practices.

For Organic Use
- Increase root growth
- Enhances phosphorus uptake, iron uptake and photosynthesis for canopy development chlorophyll content
- Has positive effects on plant mechanisms, including seed germination and break down, and release of vital nutrients (such as phosphorus, nitrogen, calcium, iron, and more).
Key Advantages
- Helps break down and release vital nutrients stored in soil and make it readily available to plants.
- Quickly introduces beneficial microorganisms in the plant rhizosphere and improve plant growth functions.
- Enhances root growth through bacterial production of metabolites.
Active Ingredients
- Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria
Recommended Crops
- Row crops | Vegetable crops | Fruit crops | Nut crops | Herbs | Bedding plants
Not limited to these crops.
- Starter or Side Dress: Apply 8 oz. to 12 oz. per acre. Mix with sufficient volume of water to achieve desired coverage.
- Foliar/Broadcast Application: Apply 8 oz. to 12 oz. per acre. Mix with sufficient volume of water to achieve desired coverage.
- Seed Treatment: Apply 3 oz. to 5 oz. per acre (seed dressing, seed soak or tuber dip).
- For crop specific application rates contact your crop advisor.